Saturday, September 5, 2009

Da Hua Lian Array 01

Da Hua Lian Array 01 乾

Even Chinese people think that I Ching or Yi Jing (易经) is very difficult to understand because it is too abstract and abstruse.

Actually, when you see the pattern, it would be easy to follow. If you see six solid line like this icon, then you will remember Hexagram 1 - named 乾 (qián). Its inner (lower) trigram is (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven, and its outer (upper) trigram is the same. 3 lines (trigram) x 2 = 6 lines (hexagram).
Life is a journey with full of unpredictable changes. A man or a woman, a family, a project team, a company, a community, and a country need leadership. We all desire for a peaceful, reliable, enjoyable, and successful life. I Ching or Yi Jing (易经) is guidance to solve problems via recognition of change patterns. This set of wisdoms could help one who is struggling in various problems.
In I Ching or Yi Jing (易经), the power of leadership is called Heaven; the leader is called Dragon. There are four fundamental qualities that compose a leadership: maker (元,yuan), pervasive (亨,heng), bountiful(利,li), pure (贞,zhen). A leader must have original creativity or initiative drive to make things happen. A leader must be wise with vision in order to foresee successes. A leader must know how to take optimized solutions based on right time and right position with right people skills to achieve desired results via maximized collaboration with minimum costs or damages. A leader must keep integrity in purity, striving for firmness of character.
It is critical that a leader must also take right action in each of the six stages defined in the first hexagram. I painted six partial faces - Da Hua Lian to wysiwyg the hexagram. Read the hexagram from the lowest line first .  

1st line (初九,1st 9)
Change at the beginning means:
A hidden or sunken dragon.
Do not act.
2nd line (九二,2nd 9)
Change in the second place means:
Seeing a dragon in the field.
Gain by seeing a great person.
3rd line (九三,3rd 9)
Change in the third place means:
All day long the superior man is creatively active.
At nightfall he keeps alert to peril and says without fault.

If you are in a leader position but you do not have this experience then you are not a leader. If you do have both position and experience but says wrong then you’d better to quit. A bad leader could make situation worse than no leadership. It is very hard for a parent who says wrong but could not quit and would not see things differently neither. Is this related to someone you know, or we all know?
4th line (九四,4th 9)
Change in the fourth place means:
Someone may leap from deep depths, and wavering flight over others, but be without fault.
5th line (九五,5th 9)
Change in the fifth place means:
A flying dragon in the heavens.
Gain by seeing a great person.

This line in Chinese is 九五之尊 , means the highest stage of success.
6th line (上九,Top 9)
Change at the top means:
A arrogant and haughty dragon
will have regrets.

The above 6 faces illustrate the specific changing stages within a cycle of evolution. In addition, I painted two more faces in each array: one represents previous hexagram and the other represents next one since I Ching or Yi Jing (易经) also called Zhou Yi (周易).
The face represents the previous one - Hexagram 64 (未济,Wei Ji), which will be the last painting.
The face represents the next one - Hexagram 2 (坤,Kun), which will be the next blog.

Zhou (周) means cycle or rotation. Yi (易) means change. Each hexagram is a part of 64 rotated positions within a bigger evolution. The rotation is all based on binary math model. You could get more details by googling I Ching. A hexagram represents a specific change pattern that is caused by a result from its previous hexagram/change pattern therefore its own result will be a root to form up a new change, good or bad. 
The following diagram shows three related hexagram evolved in this painting.  
In any significant undertaking, the best scenario is letting all leaders perform their maximum powers in a harmony of collaboration. This stage would be an environment of multiple 九五之尊 – a collection of highest successes. This desired stage called 用九- utilize all that is also defined in Hexagram 1, 乾 (qián).

I was shocked when I read this piece of mind set captured in the ancient hexagram from those who were 5000+ years older than us.
Why we have to reinvent the wheel? - called new marketing force, new leadership, new organizational behavior, new strategies for globalization, and new so on?

All Lines (用九,Utilize/Enpower All)
When all the lines Change, it means:
There appears a flight of dragons without leaders.

Good fortune.

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